Let's Connect

Ora Coaching



Scientists pontificate about an infinite number of parallel universes that co-exist. 

My far simpler brain notices how we – mere mortals – often seem to live in parallel universes, while living the exact same reality. We often understand what’s objectively happening in massively subjective ways. 

This human inclination is the cause of so much conflict. Understanding our tendency is also the cure for conflict. (Two realities that co-exist right there too! Isn’t that trippy deep!?)

Case in point, this text conversation with my daughter:

My daughter: went to the doctor for a cough, tiredness, and headaches and she diagnosed me as Type A. 👍 thanks

My other daughter: huh

Me: What doc

My daughter: That’s what happened. At a clinic

Me: You received a divine message

My daughter: I received high quality medical care

Me: (Congrats on the adulting move too!)

My daughter: Never doing that again$150 to be told I’m Type A

Me: You’re missing a message from the universe. Shh. Listen

My daughter: I’m not receiving a message from the universe

Me: Listen and you will

My daughter: I’m receiving a message from a very rude doctor

Me: The messengerNever blame the messenger. They are just doing their job.

My daughter: 🙄

: )

On the topic of different realities co-existing, check out Dr. Gabor Mate’s clip explaining how NO TWO CHILDREN HAVE THE SAME PARENT. Speaking from experience, I think that’s totally true! Do you?

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